Building the next chapter

Complimentary Headshots

Toward the end of August, we hosted complimentary professional headshots onsite, complete with make-up touch-ups to ensure that our Nexus community was looking their best and camera ready.

We had an incredible response to this activation. With so many of you expressing an interest in this event, it completely booked out in an hour and a half – wowsers! We also had quite a few people on the waiting list too.

A massive shout-out goes to Barry and Vera from Barry Gan Photography for their amazing photography skills and for helping us all with our professional posing, stance, and smiling techniques – it’s way harder than it looks.

And, another massive shout out to Kristen from Purely Polished Beauty Services who was on hand to give us a pre-photo freshen-up with only the best organic cosmetics.

All Portal members who participated received a selection of all of their headshot photos taken of them on the day, plus an additional enhanced, fully edited portrait of their choosing. We hope all who participated enjoyed the experience!

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