Building the next chapter

Daffodil Day fundraising

Thursday 25 August was Daffodil Day, and we hosted a gorgeous Daffodil Day pop-up florist stall to raise funds for Cancer Council.

Our beloved Arbor Café got all dressed up for the occasion and transformed into a field of delightful yellow and orange. A big thank you to the talented team from Woops A Daisy Florist who created this show-stopping display of beautiful blooms.

Our rustic stall had over 500 daffodils all perfectly wrapped in bouquets of fives and tens, as well as little glass decorative vases with double stems. Our community was clearly impressed as several of you could be seen taking photos of this Insta-worthy stall and sharing them on social media.

Even Tally the Border Collie was impressed, as she too popped around to admire the flowers and have a good sniff.

If daffodils weren’t your thing (hard to believe with a display this impressive), we also had Daffodil Day pins for sale and a donation tin was on standby to collect all your spare silver and gold.

It is safe to say our pop-up was a success, as we managed to raise a total of $481.50 for Cancer Council! We’re pretty chuffed with that result and we have all of you to thank.

Daffodil Day may be done and dusted for another year, but you can still get involved by donating directly via our dedicated Nexus Corporate community fundraising page.

Again, a big thank you to everyone who attended our Daffodil Day pop-up stall, purchased flowers, and pins, and kindly donated to a very worthy charity – it is very much appreciated.

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